Rabu, 29 April 2009

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pictures taken from Vierra Myspace and Facebook fan group }

QUOTE (From Musica Studios)
VIERRA and Musica Studio�s spread out the press conference on last Thursday in 3� Club, FX Lifestyle X�enter, Jakarta.

The press conference that had been spread out since striking 12,00 to 14.30 this had a purpose to introduce debut the VIERRA album that featured �My First Love� as an editorial. Widy (vocal), Kevin (the piano/keyboard), Raka (the guitar) and Tryan (the drum) was preceptive enough and the self-confidence in answering the question that was thrown from colleagues of the media that was present. �Yes.. this the first time we were faced with many medias, we not nervous but we were careful in answered pertanyaan� says Kevin. This agenda was also attended Music Director (MD) from various radio stations in Indonesia that by chance Thursday that was National Radio Day. MD deliberate gathered in Jakarta to attend several agendas that were held by several recorder companies that had an office in Jakarta.

�My First Love� was the album that was containing with materials that were fresh and new in the Indonesian musical industry. By carrying pop music, Vierra often was affected from musics power pop, emo and musics in the style of Disney. In his album, VIERRA memasukan 12 track that varied from that up-beat to that slow. From 12 songs, was gotten 2 songs with the very polite English lyrics.

As the cover of the agenda, VIERRA proved the capacity bermusik him by appearing opposite colleagues of the media brought 4 songs be entitled �No! �, �Bersamamu�, �Bintang� and single first they �Dengarkan Curhatku�. Although the hour flew VIERRA still a little, VIERRA appeared with the self-confidence and entertained that afternoon. --


Secara alami anggrek (Famili Orchidaceae) hidup epifit pada pohon dan ranting-ranting tanaman lain, namun dalam pertumbuhannya anggrek dapat ditumbuhkan dalam pot yang diisi media tertentu. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman, seperti faktor lingkungan, antara lain sinar matahari, kelembaban dan temperatur serta pemeliharaan seperti : pemupukan, penyiraman serta pengendalian OPT.

Pada umumnya anggrek-anggrek yang dibudidayakan memerlukan temperatur 28 + 2° C dengan temperatur minimum 15° C. Anggrek tanah pada umumnya lebih tahan panas dari pada anggrek pot. Tetapi temperatur yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan dehidrasi yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan tanaman.

Kelembaban nisbi (RH) yang diperlukan untuk anggrek berkisar antara 60–85%. Fungsi kelembaban yang tinggi bagi tanaman antara lain untuk menghindari penguapan yang terlalu tinggi. Pada malam hari kelembaban dijaga agar tidak terlalu tinggi, karena dapat mengakibatkan busuk akar pada tunas-tunas muda. Oleh karena itu diusahakan agar media dalam pot jangan terlampau basah. Sedangkan kelembaban yang sangat rendah pada siang hari dapat diatasi dengan cara pemberian semprotan kabut (mist) di sekitar tempat pertanaman dengan bantuan sprayer.

Berdasarakan pola pertumbuhannya, tanaman anggrek dibedakan menjadi dua tipe yaitu, simpodial dan monopodial. Anggrek tipe simpodial adalah anggrek yang tidak memiliki batang utama, bunga ke luar dari ujung batang dan berbunga kembali dari anak tanaman yang tumbuh. Kecuali pada anggrek jenis Dendrobium sp. yang dapat mengeluarkan tangkai bunga baru di sisi-sisi batangnya. Contoh dari anggrek tipe simpodial antara lain : Dendrobium sp., Cattleya sp., Oncidium sp. dan Cymbidium sp. Anggrek tipe simpodial pada umumnya bersifat epifit.

Anggrek tipe monopodial adalah anggrek yang dicirikan oleh titik tumbuh yang terdapat di ujung batang, pertumbuhannnya lurus ke atas pada satu batang. Bunga ke luar dari sisi batang di antara dua ketiak daun. Contoh anggrek tipe monopodial antara lain : Vanda sp., Arachnis sp., Renanthera sp., Phalaenopsis sp., dan Aranthera sp.

Habitat tanaman anggrek dibedakan menjadi 4 kelompok sebagai berikut :

  • Anggrek epifit, yaitu anggrek yang tumbuh menumpang pada pohon lain tanpa merugikan tanaman inangnya dan membutuhkan naungan dari cahaya matahari, misalnya Cattleya sp. memerlukan cahaya +40%, Dendrobium sp. 50–60%, Phalaenopsis sp. + 30 %, dan Oncidium sp. 60 – 75 %.
  • Anggrek terestrial, yaitu anggrek yang tumbuh di tanah dan membutuhkan cahaya matahari langsung, misalnya Aranthera sp., Renanthera sp., Vanda sp. dan Arachnis sp.
    Tanaman anggrek terestrial membutuhkan cahaya matahari 70 – 100 %, dengan suhu siang berkisar antara 19 – 380C, dan malam hari 18–210C. Sedangkan untuk anggrek jenis Vanda sp. yang berdaun lebar memerlukan sedikit naungan.
  • Anggrek litofit, yaitu anggrek yang tumbuh pada batu-batuan, dan tahan terhadap cahaya matahari penuh, misalnya Dendrobium phalaenopsis.
  • Anggrek saprofit, yaitu anggrek yang tumbuh pada media yang mengandung humus atau daun-daun kering, serta membutuhkan sedikit cahaya matahari, misalnya Goodyera sp.

Mengawetkan Kesegaran Bunga Anggrek Potong

Gambar diambil dari http://www.votawphotography.com

Bunga anggrek makin diminati. Pada saat ini makin banyak dihasilkan varietas baru anggrek didalam negeri. Tantangannya adalah menjaga agar bunga anggrek potong dapat tetap segar dalam waktu cukup lama. Pengiriman bunga anggrek potong tanpa pengawet kesegaran bunga, dikhawatirkan menurunkan umur peragaan bunga dan diameter bunga.
Biasanya dilakukan pulsing, yaitu mencelupkan tangkai bunga potong sedalam 4 cm kedalam larutan nutrisi selama 16 jam dalam ruang sejuk (21 derajat celcius), guna memberi bekal nutrisi cadangan sekaligus dapat melindungi tangkai bunga dari serangan mikroorganisme penyumbat pembuluh tangkai. Selama ini dipergunakan larutan pulsing berupa sukrosa 50 g/l, perak nitrat 25 ppm, asam sitrat 200 ppm.

Selain itu gula biasa (gula komersial) bisa digunakan sebagai pengganti sukrosa dalam pulsing. Komposisi bahan yang tepat untuk perlakuan pulsing adalah gula komersial 5 % + perak nitrat 25 ppm + asam sitrat 200 ppm (Prabawati, dkk. 2002). Komposisi ini dapat memperpanjang kesegaran bunga. Jika menggunakan gula komersial 5 % maka biaya larutan menjadi Rp.622,96 per liter larutan atau Rp. 10,30 per tangkai bunga. Jauh lebih murah dibanding dengan sukrosa murni Rp. 20.313,96/ liter larutan.


Cultural impact

Crowds wait outside a Borders store in Newark, Delaware for the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Fans of the series were so eager for the latest series release that bookstores around the world began holding events to coincide with the midnight release of the books, beginning with the 2000 publication of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The events, commonly featuring mock sorting, games, face painting, and other live entertainment have achieved popularity with Potter fans and have been highly successful in attracting fans and selling books with nearly nine million of the 10.8 million initial print copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince sold in the first 24 hours.[72][73] The series has also gathered adult fans, leading to the release of two editions of each Harry Potter book, identical in text but with one edition's cover artwork aimed at children and the other aimed at adults.[74] Besides meeting online through blogs, podcasts, and fansites, Harry Potter super-fans can also meet at Harry Potter symposia. The word Muggle has spread beyond its Harry Potter origins, used by many groups to indicate those who are not aware or are lacking in some skill. In 2003, Muggle, entered the Oxford English Dictionary with that definition.[75] The Harry Potter fandom has embraced podcasts as a regular, often weekly, insight to the latest discussion in the fandom. Apple Inc. has featured two of the podcasts, MuggleCast and PotterCast.[76] Both have reached the top spot of iTunes podcast rankings and have been polled one of the top 50 favourite podcasts.[77]

Awards and honours

The Harry Potter series have been the recipients of a host of awards since the initial publication of Philosopher's Stone including four Whitaker Platinum Book Awards (all of which were awarded in 2001),[78] three NestlĂ© Smarties Book Prizes (1997–1999),[79] two Scottish Arts Council Book Awards (1999 and 2001),[80] the inaugural Whitbread children's book of the year award (1999),[81] the WHSmith book of the year (2006),[82] among others. In 2000, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was nominated for Best Novel in the Hugo Awards while in 2001, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire won said award.[83] Honours include a commendation for the Carnegie Medal (1997),[84] a short listing for the Guardian Children's Award (1998), and numerous listings on the notable books, editors' Choices, and best books lists of the American Library Association, The New York Times, Chicago Public Library, and Publishers Weekly.[85]

Commercial success

The popularity of the Harry Potter series has translated into substantial financial success for Rowling, her publishers, and other Harry Potter related license holders. This success has made Rowling the first and thus far only billionaire author.[86] The books have sold more than 400 million copies worldwide and have also given rise to the popular film adaptations produced by Warner Bros., all of which have been successful in their own right with the first, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, ranking number four on the inflation-unadjusted list of all-time highest grossing films and the other four Harry Potter films each ranking in the top 20.[87][3] The films have in turn spawned eight video games and have led to the licensing of more than 400 additional Harry Potter products (including an iPod) that have, as of 2005, made the Harry Potter brand worth an estimated US$4 billion and J. K. Rowling a US dollar billionaire,[88] making her, by some reports, richer than Queen Elizabeth II.[89][90] However, Rowling has stated that this is false.[91]

The great demand for Harry Potter books motivated the New York Times to create a separate bestseller list for children's literature in 2000, just before the release of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. By June 24, 2000, Rowling's novels had been on the list for 79 straight weeks; the first three novels were each on the hardcover bestseller list.[92] On 12 April 2007, Barnes & Noble declared that Deathly Hallows has broken its pre-order record, with more than 500,000 copies pre-ordered through its site.[93] For the release of Goblet of Fire, 9,000 FedEx trucks were used with no other purpose than to deliver the book.[94] Together, Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble pre-sold more than 700,000 copies of the book.[94] In the United States, the book's initial printing run was 3.8 million copies.[94] This record statistic was broken by Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, with 8.5 million, which was then shattered by Half-Blood Prince with 10.8 million copies.[95] 6.9 million copies of Prince were sold in the U.S. within the first 24 hours of its release; in the United Kingdom more than two million copies were sold on the first day.[96] The initial U.S. print run for Deathly Hallows was 12 million copies, and more than a million were pre-ordered through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.[97]